Sunday 5 February 2023


 In a good many villages, and Thamaga is no exception, whole neighbourhoods are inhabited by the descendants of one family.

In Binnie's case, I believe the original family member to get a plot of land from the Tribal Land Board was Binnie's paternal grandparents.  Beside their plot, their 4 sons got plots and so on.

So when you look out from Mma Binnie's house everyone to the left, right and across the open space are family members.  As time goes on more plots are added until their is no more room and people have to get a plot a little further afield.

Similarly, if I understand correctly, daughters were not usually allocated plots in the "inner" family area and were directed to "outer" areas.

By the time Binnie went to get her plot in the early 90's, her plot was a few 100 metres east of Mma Binnie's.  However, across the laneway from a cousin slightly older than Binnie.

When I say "cousin" I have to hedge my comments because I don't know many steps on the cousin tree we are talking?  It must be way past 1st, 2nd and possibly 3rd cousins.

All I know is that they are all related and Binnie always introduces another stranger as a cousin!

The view from the front wall of Mma Binnie's house to the other family connected plots/houses across the open space.

The open space is an excellent place to play soccer.  Gordon loved to spend all day playing with all the kids in the area.  It still continues to this day and if you look closely you can see 2 bricks/blocks to serve as one of the goals.

Mma Binnie's house/plot.  Looking opposite to the previous photo.

You cannot see them clearly but Mma Binnie has 2 smaller accessory dwelling behind to the left and right of the main house.

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Video - inside the house

 Inside the House - Part 1 In the House - Part 2