Wednesday 8 February 2023

Copy Shop

 So I am responsible for the year-end financial report for St Columba Presbyterian Church in Belleville and so it was time to finish the report and email to my colleague in the church office.

However I wanted a print copy to read over and check the numbers.

So I loaded from my computer onto a jump stick 6 files and headed off om my walk across the village to the copy shop.

It was right where I expected it to be.

A small office with a range of printers and 6 workstations with computers and monitors.  Thus, you could use the workstations at an hourly rate or use the printers to print out documents.  The going rate was 2 pula or about 25 cents per page.

There was a young lad in front of me printing out his CV and job application letter.

When it was my turn, it turned out they only dealt in cash and not swipe cards.  Now that was a problem because I don't carry cash and it was going to be a trek back home to get an allowance from the "Boss".

Thus, I bartered with the girl behind the desk.  Please print out my papers, I'll give you my driver's license and will be back later to pay!!

As if she hasn't heard that before!!  However, colour does have its place and I got my prints!

On the way out, I asked what she drank.  She said Fanta orange.

So I stopped at the shop next door and bought 2 Fanta orange.  One for her and one for me.

I went back and headed one in.  She was quite pleased!

Cost to me was 90 cents and a friend for the duration of my stay.  Every time I go I will bring along a Fanta orange!

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Video - inside the house

 Inside the House - Part 1 In the House - Part 2