Wednesday 8 February 2023

Getting lost - twice!

 For the record, the actual location of our "winter" home is :

 24°39'47.84"S   25°31'48.70"E

If you entered those co-ordinates into Google maps or equivalent you should end up right over our abode.

Or for a visual presentation of our neighbourhood, see the picture below.

It is simply a hodge-podge of houses/plots with dusty trails weaving in and out around the houses.

No assemblance of order, no addresses, no street signs or name.

You have to figure your way around by recognizing certain trees, houses, or other distinguishing features.

Last evening at around 6 p.m. it was very cloudy, dark with lightening and thus idea weather for a walk by yours truly.

So as shown on the map, in the red line, I headed southeast eventually passed the soccer field were a practice was going on and hit the tarred road.

I then headed north on the tarred road until I hit a secondary road made from paving stones and circled back west.  At a certain point I veered southwest hoping to hit our house.

Well at this point my sense of direction completely went askew.  Before you know it, I was off the map in the bottom left corner where it says Google Earth!  I knew this because I eventually hit another tarred road that I recognized and knew where I was.  I followed that road north and then headed back east to close a rather convoluted and very large circle!!

The good news was that I put 12,000 steps on my Fitbit.  The bad news was that it was dark by the time I got home and if I had messed up, I truly would have been lost.

Then today at midday I headed off to the copy shop to get some files on my jump stick printed out.  I knew where I was going and made good time getting there.  However, on the way back I again misjudged the way I was supposed to go and for the second day in the road veered southwest and instead of northwest.  

Near the end of the trek, I was getting a bit confused and stopped and asked two girls hanging over a wall staring at me, where did I live?

They pointed over their shoulders to the west and laughed!

For the record, Thamaga has a population of around 25,00 people.  I am pretty sure I am the only white guy in these parts.  Definitely in the northwest corner of the village and for obvious reasons, I definitely stand out!

Consequently, everyone seems to know me as the guy who lives in the new house in a certain location. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Spencer. I love the blog. Great little vignettes. Would my car GPS work on those local town roads? By the way, last Saturday morning it was -30C in Quinte West. Keep well.


Video - inside the house

 Inside the House - Part 1 In the House - Part 2