Saturday 11 February 2023

Rain = temperature

Every day this past week it rained.  One day a lot, others an hour or so.

In talking to Binnie and our tenant this is not normal.  It didn't use to rain in February.

Thus like many places around the globe the weather patterns are definitely changing which makes living here trickier.

As seen on the climate classification map above, Botswana is either warm desert or warm semi-arid.  That doesn't leave much scope for getting hotter or dryer.

Anyway when the clouds are out, the temperature never really rises.

Thus, this past Thursday I had a warm shower for the first time.  Previously I simply turn on the shower and turn the tap to cold.  The water coming out is quite mild and far from cold.  I never have turned the tap to warm or hot. 

Don't forget we don't get frost here and so pipes are not buried deep in the ground and surface water storage tanks run by the government to supply water to the village are on the surface and subject to the sun.  Not elevated water storage tanks but tanks on the highest ground in the village.

All in all, this contributes to water coming out of the tap to be relatively luke-warm.

We do have a hot water heater but it is fixed to the back wall high up on the outside of the house.

You will also notice that all the copper piping to supply the house with water is attached to the outside wall.  As are the drain pipes.

So on the far right are the pipes for the master bedroom, tub, shower, sink and toilet.

To the right of the back door is the plumbing for the kitchen. 

Sorry for the diversion.  The water heater is powered by electricity and there is a switch inside to turn it on and off.  It does not run continuously.

So because of the cooler water temperature I finally reverted to utilizing the water heater.

I should note that the better half uses the water heater every morning and night for her shower or bath.  Softy!!


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Video - inside the house

 Inside the House - Part 1 In the House - Part 2