Saturday 11 February 2023

ZOOM meeting

 This past Thursday I had a ZOOM meeting for a difficult planning project in Belleville.  Meeting with the applicant and his lawyer.

8:30 a.m. - Belleville time; 3:30 p.m. Thamaga time.

The technology worked quite well and no lack of audio or breakup of video.

Unless it was stated, you would not know where any of us were?  Belleville, Trenton or Thamaga?

The only problem, and I have seen this happen once or twice in meetings in Belleville, is when the power goes off.

So 50 minutes into our meeting, the power goes off in the village.

As seems almost automatic, if there is a heavy rainstorm, the power goes off??

Sure enough a shower was passing by and it knocked off the power to my router.

Not much you can do about that?  

My laptop was not affected since it runs on battery but the internet connection was lost.

 It is truly amazing to consider when I first arrived in Botswana the internet really didn't exist and one relied on mail.

Today there is an excellent internet service especially in this corner of Botswana. 

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Video - inside the house

 Inside the House - Part 1 In the House - Part 2